
Optometrists provide a full scope of eye care.
The NOA is the Nevada state affiliate of the American Optometric Association (AOA). The NOA represents optometrists throughout Nevada, from large metropolitan areas to small towns.
The NOA's mission is to advocate for Nevada's Doctors of Optometry, their patients, and the communities they serve and maintain protections for the practice of Optometry and the doctor-patient relationship. The NOA supports optometrists practicing to the highest level of their education, expertise, and competence, benefitting all Nevadans. Every association member holds to the highest ideals in delivering eye care to the public.
Optometrists provide a full scope of eye care, from comprehensive eye exams and glasses or contact lenses to treating eye diseases such as eye infections and glaucoma. Members of the NOA are actively involved in projects that benefit the community, such as helping to train school nurses to screen for eye and vision problems and helping children and parents understand the importance of eye safety. Many members of the NOA are participating in the InfantSEE® program that provides the first eye exam to infants to detect vision and sometimes even life-threatening conditions.
Membership in the NOA shows a commitment to the profession of optometry and to the public that we serve.