Be a Key OD for the NOA


Key OD

As with most special interests, strength lies in numbers. When a legislator hears from an NOA member optometrist, he or she knows that behind that voice is an entire membership concerned with that particular issue. When you get involved in legislative and public policy, we all see the benefits in quality patient care, our businesses, and our profession!

A Key OD, aka key person, is a volunteer willing to serve as a liaison of the Nevada Optometric Association with state legislators and candidates. Key ODs advocate on behalf of NOA Optometrists and patients on issues regarding the practice of Optometry and public policy in Nevada. 

Being a Key OD for the NOA is flexible. You can devote as little or as much time as your schedule permits. And you can do the job from your own home or office. Typically, you will be asked by The NOA to communicate on legislative issues several times per session and during campaigns in off-session years.

Although we hope you will want to be more involved, your primary commitment is making two to three Legislator contacts per year. That can be an email, a letter, making phone calls, or meeting a legislator face-to-face (sometimes in person or over Zoom).

If you are interested and available, Key ODs are encouraged to participate in local political events, fundraisers, and campaign activities. 

We encourage members to connect with legislators representing the districts where they live and practice. Don't know which district you live/work in? You can look that up here!

Responsibilities for a Key OD include:

  • Develop sustainable, personal/professional relationships with local members of The Nevada Assembly and Senate delegation.
  • Position the NOA as a primary source of expertise on eye health issues impacting the Optometric profession and their patients.
  • Raise awareness of eye health-related legislative issues important to Nevada's Optometrists among Nevada legislators.
  • Actively advocate for the public policy positions advanced by the NOA.

Members participating in the Legislative Key OD program are asked to:

  • Maintain existing personal/professional relationships with members of Nevada
  • Assembly and Senate delegation and develop new working relationships with the assigned legislator(s).
  • Remain current on legislative issues impacting the Optometric profession, utilizing resources provided by the NOA and with the assistance of the Legislative Committee.
  • Take immediate action to contact assigned legislator(s) when the NOA issues a "Legislative Action Alert" concerning specific legislative priorities.
  • Promptly summarize and report to Legislative Committee the nature and outcome of each personal/professional contact with an assigned legislator, including potential legislative opportunities and challenges.
  • Attend legislative updates and Key OD training, and, when asked, deliver political contributions on behalf of the NOA Political Action Committee.

Members interested in becoming a Key OD should: 

  • Have a willingness and desire to develop personal/professional relationships with Nevada State Legislators.
  • Have awareness and interest in legislative issues impacting the Optometric profession, a willingness to learn about legislation relevant to Nevada's Optometrists, and a willingness to remain up?to?date on key legislative priorities with the assistance of the NOA.
  • Have the ability and desire to communicate effectively with the assigned legislator(s) and advocate for the public policy positions advanced by the NOA.

To become an NOA Key OD, please contact Legislative Committee Chair Dr. Jonathan Matherâ¯or